A weight loss journey like ours – when done right – is a commitment.

A lifestyle change.

It demands our attention, consumes our time, and focuses our energies.

One of the toughest parts of committing to this kind of lifestyle change is making the time to exercise. A vital and irreplaceable part of a truly complete health plan, daily exercise is something we all know we need, but it seems on a daily basis, many of us find it hard to find the time to do it.

So how much (or perhaps more accurately how little) exercise is enough? How few reps of how few lifts, stretches, pulls, and crunches can perform and still experience real, measurable results?

Unfortunately, the short answer is we don’t know.

We can’t say for sure simply because we don’t know you. And everyone is different. Your body and your metabolism work differently from anyone else’s and attempting to offer you a precise answer to the “How much is enough” kind of questions would ultimately be little more than a guess.

That being said, know this: any exercise is better than no exercise.

It sounds simple, but you’d be surprised how often our clients become so focused on exactly how much of exactly what kind of exercise to perform, that they lose sight of the more important big picture.

Just do something.

Don’t have quick, easy access to weights? Can’t afford a gym membership? Don’t sweat it – just work up a sweat another way. Any other way. Stretching exercises, crunches, sit-ups, and push-ups can be performed right in your living room. A walk or jog around your block is a quick and absolutely free way to get your blood pumping.

Bottom line: just get moving. While we cannot determine exactly how much of what kind of exercise is right for you without meeting you, we can tell you this: anytime you have the time, the ability, and the resources to increase your heart rate for a few minutes, do it!

Now, if you’d like some advice on a fitness plan tailored specifically to your body, age, health, and fitness levels, call us or click the Schedule an Appointment button at the top of this page. During a comprehensive consultation, we’ll work together to build a customized exercise and diet plan to help you reach your weight loss and overall health goals.

Until then, just get moving!