Our Program

Your Journey


During your initial visit to MediPlan Diet Services, we perform an ECG to study the health of your heart.


A Body Mass Index Screening is performed to measure the level of health risk posed by your weight. We also urge all new patients to have lab work performed.


The doctor or nurse practitioner evaluates the results of these tests alongside your medical history to design an appropriate weight loss program.


A personalized wellness program is designed based on the results of your tests to help guide you in making lifestyle changes necessary to reach your weight loss goal.

Each month during your weight loss journey, you’ll visit MediPlan Diet Services for a one-on-one conversation with a doctor or nurse practitioner. Here, you can discuss, in detail, your successes and your issues with your diet, exercise plan, your past medical history and current feelings regarding your health and fitness.


We Believe in Safety First!

Because our program is medically supervised and involves prescription medication, safety is of utmost importance. MediPlan is committed to helping patients lose weight, but our primary focus is protecting the health of you and all our patients.

We understand the problems that being overweight can cause. That is why we offer specialized programs for weight loss for women. Additionally, we understand the challenges that men face when choosing a weight loss program for men. Our team is equipped to help you break through those walls and achieve weight loss success!

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Click the “Schedule an Appointment” button below or call MediPlan at 901-362-7546 to take your first step to a healthier, happier you.