We can typically find the fruits and vegetables we enjoy in our local supermarket throughout the year, so you might ask, “Why would it matter to eat seasonal produce?” Not only is seasonal food fresher, but it’s also more nutritious than consuming it out of season.

Purchasing locally grown fruits and vegetables provides you with produce that is tastier as they do not require transportation. In addition to the health benefits, eating local means supporting local farms, which supports the local economy.

In the month of October, seasonal fruits and vegetables include a variety of foods that make for great recipes for the incoming chilly weather.

Seasonal Vegetables in October

Leafy Greens

Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Kale, Collard Greens

Experts generally recommend that we eat two cups of leafy greens every day. Providing the necessary vitamins and minerals, leafy greens in your diet reduce the risk of obesity as well as heart disease and high blood pressure.


Carrots, Celery, Turnips, Parsnips, Beets, Leeks, Onions, Potato, Sweet Potato

Loaded with fiber, root vegetables can aid in helping you feel full. This type of vegetable is also high in antioxidants, helping you stay full and healthy.

Podded Vegetables

Runner Beans, Peas

Peas and beans provide a good source of plant-based protein and contain minerals and nutrients that support heart health.

Seasonal Fruits in October


Oranges, Grapefruit, Lime

Citrus fruits help protect your body and keep your heart healthy, as they’re loaded with antioxidants. If you’re looking for a boost to your immune system, try incorporating citrus fruits in your diet for more vitamin C.


Apples, Pears

Low in calories, these fruits are rich in antioxidants and help keep you fuller longer. If you’re looking to start a heart-healthy diet, apples and pears should top the list of fruits to incorporate.


Blackberries, Cranberries, Kiwi

Berries are full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Including berries in your diet may help improve your immune system as well as fight inflammation. These fruits are easy to enjoy on their own or in baked goods!


Honeydew Melon

Melons are a good source of dietary fiber and may help reduce blood pressure. If you’re looking to promote your digestive health or blood sugar levels, consider adding melons to your weekly diet.

Call MediPlan Today!

Incorporating these seasonal fruits and vegetables into your diet this month can provide more nutritional value to your meals. Deciding what produce to eat and when can be confusing, but ensuring that you’re including more seasonal appropriate produce in your diet throughout the year can provide incredible health benefits.

If you’re unsure about what you should be incorporating into your diet, MediPlan Diet Services provides informative and medically supervised weight loss programs for people in all stages of their health journey. Get in touch with our team today at (901) 362-7546 to learn more about how we can assist you on your journey to better health!