You’ve undoubtedly heard the terms “aerobic” and “anaerobic” in terms of exercises and workout regimens. But are you confident that you understand the difference? And do you know which one may be better for you?

Let’s examine the difference.

At the heart of the matter, the difference is rooted in the level of oxygen consumption your body needs to perform the exercise. During aerobic exercise, your normal oxygen intake is sufficient to power your muscles through the workout. During anaerobic exercise, your oxygen intake isn’t sufficient to power your muscles and they are forced to break down sugars to create more energy.

In simpler terms, aerobic exercise is light activity you can sustain over long periods of time, such as jogging. Anaerobic activity is a burst of activity for short periods of time, such as sprinting.

Which is right for you?

Ultimately, it depends on the outcome you’re striving for. Aerobic workouts will improve cardiac health and help you burn fat while higher-intensity anaerobic exercises are great for creating lean muscle mass. Schedule a consultation with a Mediplan team member and work together to create a complete health and fitness plan that includes a customized exercise strategy designed just for you.