Going to a diet clinic to get some guidance on how to live a healthier lifestyle is generally a better idea than just going by stock knowledge. The truth is, a lot of what we think we know about weight loss is actually not factual, or more complicated than we thought. There are a lot of diet myths and dubious weight loss programs that have endured for so long, people just accept them to be common knowledge.

However, some of these diet myths can be detrimental to many weight loss programs. It’s best arm yourself with the knowledge of which diet “facts” are myths.

You need to stay away from carbs

The truth is, carbs don’t make you fat—calories do. Of course, reducing your consumption of processed and sugary carb sources is good for your overall health, but it won’t help your weight loss in the long run. Also, avoiding good and healthier carb options will make you miss out on a lot of nutrients.

A low-carb diet is difficult to stick to in the long run. You can visit a weight loss clinic to see which carbohydrate-rich foods are best for you.

Fat-free foods are good for weight loss

The low-carb Atkins diet came around in the early 70s, while the 80s saw dieticians advising people to cut down on fat consumption. However, it’s not that effective as weight loss help. It’s a good thing that scientific research is a constant thing, because we now know that these two diet fads aren’t very effective. A proper amount of fat is better for the health and for weight loss than no fat at all. Any diet clinic today will help you control the amount of fat you consume instead of eliminating it entirely.

Cutting down a lot on your food intake is beneficial

Crash diets are a really bad idea. If you severely cut down on food consumption, sure, you’ll lose weight. But you’ll be doing so in what could be the unhealthiest way possible. If you suddenly decrease your food consumption by a lot, there’s a huge chance that you’ll binge later. Also, you’ll be cutting out a lot of sources of nutrients. You’ll be thinner and it functions as weight loss help, but you won’t be healthy. Remember, weight loss should be about getting healthier as well.

Snacking on energy bars is a clever idea

As any weight loss clinic will tell you, one of the best things you can do to lose weight and be healthier is to avoid processed foods. No matter what health claims energy bars may make, they’re still processed food, and a diet clinic that recommends them is rare.

Processed foods don’t take a lot of energy for the body to digest. Our bodies therefore essentially laze about, thus making us more prone to weight gain. Raw or whole foods are a better choice, though dietitians don’t encourage diets exclusively made up of whole foods.

Midnight snacks make you gain more weight

We’ve probably all heard this before. If we eat late at night then go to sleep, our bodies are at rest and are therefore not metabolizing the food we consumed. Dietitians, however, say that calories are still calories, no matter what time of the day we consume them. If you stop eating at 6pm, but you consumed a lot of calories earlier in the day, you’re still prone to weight gain. Cutting down on calories is still the more effective weight loss help.

Eating small snacks throughout the day helps decrease food intake

You may think that eating full meals is bad for weight loss, and you’re not necessarily wrong. However, it’s better to eat full meals whose calories and nutrients are controlled, rather than snack throughout the day. Professionals at any weight loss clinic will tell you that snacking can make you lose control of your appetite and food intake. Snacking is more for the pleasure of eating, not for satisfying your body’s needs. Thus, it’s not a promising idea if you’re trying to lose weight.

Saturated fat is all bad

Trans fat is like that troublemaking kid in school, and saturated fat is like the kid that always gets a bad rap by association. Trans fat is what you must avoid, while saturated fat isn’t really all that bad. Consuming about 20 grams of fat per day is recommended by dietitians.

Saturated fat also has several benefits for the body, like protecting you from disease and strengthening your immune system. You can check weight loss programs that regulate consumption of saturated fat.

You don’t have to diet if you exercise

You know how some people can eat a ton of calories one day and justify it by saying they’ll work it all off in the gym the next day? That’s not a good idea. A lot of exercise is needed to shed even a single pound, so eating a lot and trying to work it all off later isn’t the best idea. A weight loss clinic will be able to help you craft both a diet and workout plan that will be most effective for you to lose weight.

Going to the gym is the only way to increase physical activity

Speaking of workouts—a lot of people seem to think that losing weight means hitting the gym. While true, it’s not the only physical activity you can engage in to lose weight. You can increase your activity in other smaller ways, not just by spending hours at the gym. Sports, hiking, and even walking more are effective weight loss help. If you find the gym daunting, you can find other ways to burn off some calories.

All you need is a detox

Juice cleanses, health drinks, and diet smoothies are quite popular, but they’re not really all that effective. You should be wary of any diet clinic that includes these beverages as a significant feature of their weight loss programs. Our bodies think that these beverages aren’t as filling as they are, and thus we tend to consume more of them. We then consume more calories than we should because of this. It’s better to stick to water and craft a good diet plan.

Learn More Weight Loss Tips and Tricks Here!

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