Does Eating Fruit Help Weight Loss?

Before we discuss the matter at hand, it is essential to understand the importance of incorporating fruit in your diet. In most cases, fruits have a low glycemic load. This tells us that although fruits contain carbohydrates, they don´t impact the blood sugar levels as much as other food substances. So, you don´t have to worry about your blood sugar levels rising to dangerous levels as much when eating fruits. In addition to that, fruits also supply a significant dose of fiber to your diet, which not only helps you feel fuller for longer periods but also aids in slow digestion. For instance, a cup of raspberries can contain as much as 8 grams of fiber.

There are several fruits such as blueberries that also serve as wonderful antioxidants. The antioxidants play a pivotal role in lowering your blood pressure and fighting off oxidative stress. In some cases, they have also been known to reduce the risk of cancer and other deleterious diseases.

The advantages and benefits you can gain from incorporating fruit in your diet far outweigh the disadvantages.

However, the question arises – can you eat fruit for weight loss?

Regrettably, you can´t eat fruit for weight loss. Although fruits are categorized as healthy food options largely owing to the presence of antioxidants and vitamins, they still contain a fair amount of carbohydrates and calories. And if we know anything about weight loss, we know that it is essential to cut down on calories and carbohydrates. If left unchecked, the sugar content in fruits can prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals. Although it is necessary to include fruits in your diet, you may need to reduce your consumption of fruits for weight loss. Those who have mastered the technique of losing weight easily are well aware of the importance of removing fruits from their diet.   

Now, fruits contain a high amount of sugar fructose. The most common sugar, glucose, is usually processed by various organs of the body including brain and tissues such as muscles for energy. However, fructose is only processed by the liver. This situation cannot be considered ideal by any stretch of the imagination. Why so? Well, if your liver already has plenty of energy, it will store the excess fructose as fat and use it later when it needs it. This will have a direct impact on your waistline, making it difficult for you to fit in your pants.

There are many who believe that fruits belong in the “eat as much as you want” category. We would recommend you to pay no heed to those people. When you plan to lose weight, you need to pay attention to both your calorie and carbohydrate intake. A banana can contain as much as 100 calories and 27 grams of carbohydrate. An apple contains 115 calories and 30 grams of carbohydrates.

Those who follow a moderate, carbohydrate-restricted approach to weight loss commonly limit their carbohydrate intake. Now, if they eat as many as two bananas and an apple a day, it would take up around 84 percent of their carbohydrate intake for the day. It isn´t difficult to consume 100 grams worth of carbohydrates in a day from fruit alone. Now, if you consume fruits as if they have no caloric value, you will end up consuming extra calories. And that can hinder your weight loss goals. 

Can you eat fruits while attempting to lose weight?

We would never suggest you to remove fruits from your diet, regardless of whether you are attempting to lose weight. It is possible for you to consume fruits without gaining the extra pounds. However, there are certain things you should keep in mind when consuming fruits during your weight loss program. For instance, you should only focus on consuming berries, and fibrous and small fruits such as peaches, plums, blueberries, strawberries, and kiwis etc. in moderation. It is never a good idea to over-indulge.

We would also advise you to try sticking to whole fruits instead of fruit juice or dried fruit. In most processes of juice-making, the juice is extracted from the fruit without the fruit´s beneficial fiber. The juice is them formulated with a concentrated dose of sugar and calories. Therefore, fruit juices do contain more amounts of calories and added sugar and it is one of the main causes of obesity in children. If you must consume fruits in a liquid form, we would suggest you to swap your juicer for a blender and make smoothies instead. Smoothies retain the beneficial fiber found in fruits.

Now, talking about dried fruits, you should understand that dried fruits contain a higher amount of minerals, fiber and vitamins than regular fruits. Regrettably, it also means that you will consume a higher number of calories, carbs and sugar when you eat dried fruits. There are also some types of dried fruits that are candied, meaning the manufacturers add sugar to increase the sweetness. Therefore, although dried fruits are extremely nutritious, you have to monitor your portion size closely when consuming dried fruits. You should also only opt for brands that don´t add sugar.

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Contact Mediplan Diet today to schedule an appointment with one of our weight loss professionals.  They will discuss diet, exercise and a plan to help you lose weight in a healthy way.

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