Wait a minute. WHAT’S TODAY’S DATE?

The hustle and bustle of the holidays certainly have a way of seriously altering our schedules, our routines, and our lifestyles.

Days whiz by, events fill your daily planner, and consequently, the time we usually reserve to achieve and maintain our health, fitness, and weight loss goals is swallowed up by year-end and holiday-related activities.

And boy, is it easy to lose focus on your weight loss journey during the holidays.

At Mediplan Diet Services, we’ve dieted through our share of holiday seasons and not only have we counselled clients through this hectic time of year – we’ve struggled with it ourselves!

Here are a few of our biggest holiday no-no’s: the exact kinds of things we can allow to happen thanks to our crazy busy holiday schedules.

Neglecting Exercise

We get it, there’s shopping to do, parties to attend, gifts to wrap, and work to do. But skipping the gym or walking past your treadmill is a short-term fix with the potential for long-term harm. Try setting your alarm just fifteen minutes earlier and spend that time powering through an inclined jog on your treadmill, walking around the block, or enjoying some yoga.

Stressing Out

It’s easy to do during the holidays, but allowing the lack of time, money, and patience we seem to all experience during the holidays to alter our mood and cause stress can severely inhibit an otherwise successful weight loss strategy. Pro-tip: “No” is a thing. If you have too much on your plate, don’t add more. Say no and avoid the added drama.

Overeating at Parties

The spread at the corporate party is beautiful and delicious. But, you have a family get-together later, so stick to one plate of fruits and vegetables – and don’t go back for seconds!

Want more advice on avoiding holiday temptations and pitfalls? Call us today or click the Schedule an Appointment button at the top of this page.