Type 1 Vs. Type 2 Diabetes

In patients, diabetes presents in one of two different forms, type 1 and type 2. The primary symptom of both types is an increased level of blood sugar resulting from problems with the hormone insulin.

In cases of type 1 diabetes, the pancreas is simply unable to create and distribute a natural supply of insulin. This type is not preventable and requires insulin treatment.

Type 2, which accounts for 95% of all diabetes cases diagnosed, is marked not by the absence of insulin in the body, but by the body’s tissues resistance to use the natural supply of insulin available.

Obesity is a key factor in developing type 2 diabetes – as many as 85% of those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are classified as overweight by today’s standards – and maintaining a healthy weight has proven successful in preventing type 2 while losing weight has successfully decreased or eliminated symptoms in countless patients during years of study.

Your First Steps After a Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosis

Your doctor will advise you on a course of action that’s right for you that will certainly involve some dietary changes and perhaps some medications.

If after careful consultation with your doctor, you would like some additional assistance crafting and maintaining a healthy diet designed to combat, control and perhaps conquer your type 2 diabetes diagnosis, call Mediplan Diet Services and schedule a consultation with us.

Our medical staff and dietitians will coordinate with your doctor to arm you with clear, reachable health and fitness goals – and a strategy to reach those goals – in an effort to eliminate the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and improve your overall well-being.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, know that you very likely can overcome it with just a few less calories, a few more minutes of exercise and a little help from Mediplan Diet Services. Call us today and let’s talk about a healthy new lifestyle for you.