Spring is the perfect time to start your weight loss journey, as summer is just around the corner. Not to mention the air is more relaxed, fresh produce is in easy supply, and your motivation is likely to be higher.

Don’t worry about not having the best idea of how to start—we have you covered with some tips and tricks to maximize the efficiency of your efforts and hit your goal weight.

Create Realistic Goals

The most important thing about writing a goal is making them achievable. An excellent way to do this is to start small and be specific. For example, rather than making a vague large goal, like “eat fewer calories,” choose a smaller goal that works towards your larger goal, like “I will cut soda from my diet.” As you conquer these goals, you’ll not only move closer to where you want to be but will boost your morale with small victories.

Clean Out Your Pantry

This is an excellent opportunity to clean out your pantry. Prioritize healthy food options by placing them in front and, if you need to, donate or toss out unhealthy foods and go shopping right away to replace them with options that align with your goals.

Get Up and Move

Be sure to implement more movement into your day-to-day activities. That means getting up at every opportunity you can to maximize muscle use. Aim to get up and move at least once an hour, even if it’s just to stretch and walk around the room a bit. Always sitting can hurt your circulation and lead to a decrease in your resting metabolic rate.

Keep Track of Your Food

While being more active can help you lose weight, your diet will have a much bigger impact on your weight loss goals. That said, it’s vital to monitor your caloric intake. While you don’t need to do so forever, tracking can be a good way to get an idea of what your typical daily intake actually is.

Many people underestimate just how many calories they eat. Tracking your caloric intake will also help you pinpoint foods that may be sabotaging your efforts. Once you start checking labels, you might be surprised by what you find.


Arguably the most crucial part of your weight loss journey is to get enough sleep. When you’re at rest, your body works to repair itself from everyday damage. Not getting enough sleep can lead to hormonal imbalances, which may cause weight gain, on top of the fact you’re unlikely to have the energy to be more active.

Get More Tips and Tricks From MediPlan Diet Services

Weight loss can be challenging, but the results are more than worth it. If you need a little extra help reaching your goals, our experts at MediPlan Diet Services are happy to help. We’re fully licensed and have the experience to provide you the support you need to reach your goals. Give us a call at (901) 362-7546, or click the “Schedule an Appointment” button to get started with a no-obligation consultation.