Are you struggling with weight-related health issues? Have you made attempts at total lifestyle changes to help you shed off excess fats in vain? If your answer to these two questions is a yes then maybe using diet pills for losing weight is for you. However, these weight loss pills are not a replacement for your regular workouts and a healthy diet plan.

Who Should Take Prescription Diet Pills?

People with weight-related health issues and have failed to cut weight through lifestyle changes based on regular exercises and diets can use prescription pills for losing weight. These drugs aren’t for cosmetic use, but instead used to help you control your appetite and decrease your calorie intake.

It’s also important for you have a body mass index (BMI) of at least 30 or at least BMI of 27 coupled with a weight-related medical issue such as high blood pressure, diabetes or even obesity.

Possible side effects, your health history and the medications you could be on must be considered by your doctor before prescribing you the right diet pill.

How do Weight Loss Pills Work?

Just like any other weight loss goal, expect to lose about 5% to 10% of your body’s total weight in a year if you couple your prescription pill with regular exercises and a healthy low-calorie diet. Each of the three elements work hand in hand to help you burn excess calories in your body.

Although shedding off about 5% to 10% of your body’s total weight might seem too little, it takes even the tiniest loss of weight for your health to improve. Every calorie you lose counts and can help better your health through at least one of the following:

  • Lowering lipid levels
  • Decreasing blood pressure
  • Increasing sensitivity to insulin
  • Lowering levels of glucose in your blood

However, prescription pills don’t work for everyone. Moreover, it’s possible for you to regain your lost weight when you stop using diet pills.

Diet PillMode of ActionSide Effects
Phentermine (Suprenza, Adipex-P)Suppresses your appetite and makes you feel fullInsomnia, headache, nervousness, constipation, dry mouth, increased heart rate and blood pressure
Orlistat (Xenical)Prevents your body from absorbing fatsOily spotting, passing of gas, reduced body absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, diarrhea, incontinence, increased bowel movements, intestinal cramping

Prescription Diet Pills Safety

Diet pills are either meant for long-term or short-term use.

Short-Term Weight Loss Pills

Short-term diet pills are approved for use within 12 months and include Phentermine (Adipex-P). Since these pills can easily be abused, they’re termed controlled substances.  If you suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease or hyperthyroidism, these medications aren’t for you due to their possible side effects.

Long-Term Weight Loss Pills

Orlistat (Xenical) is FDA-approved for long-term use.  Orlistat – Alli, a form of Orlistat, can be obtained without a prescription and is available in reduced strength.

It is important to be on a low-fat diet when using Orlistat diet pill to reduce its side effects on you. Serious liver injury has been reported in a few people who’ve used this pill. However, no evidence has been provided to support this claim.

People taking this pill for weight loss are advised to look out for yellow skin or eyes, reduced appetite, itching, brown urine or lightly-colored stool as they could be an indication of liver injury.

Potential Benefits vs. Possible Health Risks

Your doctor has to examine the benefits you stand to gain from using a diet pill against likely health risks before giving you a prescription. Since many insurers don’t cover these medications, cost is also an important factor to consider. It takes a total lifestyle change to lose weight. Couple the medication with the best diet plan and regular exercises.

All in all, it doesn’t just take the best prescription diet pills to lose weight. Watch what you eat and ensure that you live an active life. As a result, you won’t just lose weight, but also keep off the lost weight.

Contact Mediplan Diet to assist you with your Phentermine for weight loss needs.

Learn More Weight Loss Tips and Tricks Here!

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