It is not uncommon for people to start the new year with a desire to lose weight. While it can be difficult for many to achieve, you can start your year off with an achievable weight loss goal with these few tips.

Have a Realistic Goal and Timeline in Mind

While it can be challenging to determine the exact amount of weight you can lose, always try to have a realistic figure in mind. One way to do this is to set specific short-term goals that you can easily achieve. The timeline you set for yourself should also be sensible.

Try to focus on comparing your weight after several months instead of after a few weeks or even days. Also, remember not to focus too much on the number on the scale. In most cases, you could gain muscle as you lose fat, making the scale a bit misleading.

Include Other Health-Related Goals

One way to sustain your progress and increase your chances of success is by setting other health-related goals. Including such goals in your weight loss efforts is a great way to maintain long-term motivation.

Many additional benefits come with healthy eating and exercise, including:

  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem

Set up Ways To Regularly Measure Your Progress

Besides the weighing scale, include other ways to measure your progress. You can use your everyday clothes as a fat-loss indicator. Another method can be looking at yourself in the mirror. Regardless of the number your scale reads, you will have made progress if you end up happier with what you see.

Think Long-Term

Most New Year’s resolutions don’t usually get past the first few weeks, let alone the first month. So when you are setting a weight loss goal, always set a goal that you can maintain for the long-term. Evaluating your entire lifestyle is one way of determining how sustainable your weight loss goal is.

Consider the factors that would affect your weight loss efforts, such as the time you have to exercise. When you approach weight loss from a broad perspective, you can better understand the factors that led to your weight gain in the beginning. You can also consider the other factors that influence how your body functions, such as sleep quality, stress management, supportive relationships, and physical activity.

Start Your Weight Loss Journey With MediPlan Diet Services LLC

An efficient weight loss plan is incomplete without the expert guidance of a medical professional. At MediPlan Diet Services LLC, we provide you with a personalized weight loss program and smart medical assistance.

From the initial screening, which includes a body mass index and ECG screening, to monthly individual consultations, we offer you all the tools you need to sustain and eventually achieve your weight loss goal.

Click the “Schedule an Appointment” option at the top of the page or call MediPlan Diet Services LLC today at (901) 362-7546, and start your New Year’s resolution with the first step towards your weight loss goal.