So, by now we all know that there’s no secret formula or magic pill to lose weight.

Losing weight, getting healthy, and staying that way is really built upon one fundamental equation: the right combination of low-calorie, healthful foods and safe, effective exercise.

Create a fun and unique way of killing both of these birds with one stone.


A spring garden filled with homegrown vegetables, that’s how.

These veggies are generally pretty cold-tolerant and some can actually develop enhanced flavors when nipped by a touch of frost.

Let’s investigate with help from master gardener P. Allen Smith.

Arugula – Sow seeds in the garden as soon as soil can be worked in spring. They will germinate in about 7 days and are ready to harvest in 3 to 4 weeks. For a continuous harvest, sow seeds every 2 weeks until temperatures heat up.

Beets – Sow seeds in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked. Beets prefer a well-drained, sandy soil. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers as this will encourage top growth at the expense of root development. As with all root crops good soil aeration is key to uniform, robust development. Consistent moisture is also important. Keep areas weed free to avoid competition for nutrients.

Broccoli – Broccoli seed can be sown directly in the garden 4 weeks before the last frost date in your area or set out transplants 2 weeks before the last frost date. The ideal day time temperature for broccoli is between 65 and 80 degrees. Feed the plants 3 weeks after transplanting into the garden. Use a low nitrogen fertilizer.

Carrots – Sow seeds in spring about 2 weeks before the last frost date. Carrots need deep, loose soil to form a robust root. Keep the bed weeded to avoid competition for nutrients from other plants. Too much nitrogen will result in forked roots. When the seedlings are about 2-inches tall, thin them so there is about 1 to 4-inches between them. Cover the shoulders with mulch or soil to keep them from turning green and bitter.

Kale – You can plant kale in early spring, about 3 to 5 weeks before the last frost date. Cover with frost blankets during severe cold. Similar to collards very fertile soil is ideal to encourage rapid growth and tender leaves.

Potatoes – Greening of grass is a good indicator of when to plant potato sets, dried potato pieces with 2 to 3 eyes. In my zone 7 garden that occurs in March. Soil should be loose, fertile and well drained. As the tubers mature, cover with soil to prevent burning.

Get outside and enjoy spring by creating a garden. In no time, you’ll be enjoying an amazing salad from your own backyard!

Want more info on how to eat right and stay physically active? Call Mediplan Diet Center today or click the Schedule an Appointment button at the top of this page.