After indulging in all the excesses that come with the festive season, it is no surprise how easy it is to put on some extra weight. While for many people, losing that weight is high on their to-do list, they might not know how or where to begin. If this sounds like you, read on to discover some of the steps you can take when losing weight after Christmas.

1. Rid Your House of Christmas Leftovers

It can be hard losing weight while battling the temptation of leftover Christmas meals in your home. Clear your fridge and cabinets, freezing the leftovers you find or giving them to family or friends.

Restock your kitchen with healthy options such as fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts. Avoid buying ready-to-eat, processed foods.

2. Exercise

Working out is vital if you want to lose weight. While exercising is great, what’s even better is having specific exercise goals. Planning out your exercise is a way of ensuring consistency. Having two gym sessions a week is better than having five sessions in one week, then having no sessions for the next three or four weeks.

3. Set Realistic Goals

Whether you’re planning your diet, exercise routine, or weight loss goal, remember to be realistic about it. Set goals and targets that are achievable. Also, try not to expect immediate results. Weight loss is a gradual process that needs a lot of commitment.

4. Start a Diet

Start by eliminating salty foods and drinking plenty of water. Remember to take it easy. Many people think that it’s better to go on an extreme diet and restrict calories heavily. However, these approaches can slow down your metabolism and impede your weight loss ability in the long-term.

Calorie restriction also increases your hunger hormones, which boosts your appetite. As such, it is always best to think of balance instead of deprivation. Here are a few considerations you should make when dieting:

  • Mealtimes: try to eat at the same time and place every day
  • Meal frequency: instead of having three large meals a day, try having five or six small ones
  • Fiber: consume foods rich in fiber, such as nuts, legumes, and brown rice
  • Protein: include healthy options such as fish, egg whites, and skimmed milk
  • Greens: usually, the darker the green, the more beneficial it is; options such as broccoli, spinach, and kale are ideal
  • Unsaturated fats: when eaten in moderation, foods like salmon and avocado are great for your health

Get Back On Track With MediPlan Diet Services LLC

Losing weight after Christmas doesn’t have to be a daunting task. At MediPlan Diet Services LLC, we provide you with a weight loss plan to help make it easier for you to achieve your desired weight goal.

We offer you a customized weight control program that gives you access to monthly consultations with a doctor, an exclusive line of dietary supplements, and supportive and professional progress evaluation.

Click the “Schedule an Appointment” button or call MediPlan Diet Services LLC at (901) 362-72546 and get all the tools you need to help you achieve your desired weight goal.