Almost everyone wants to lose weight. Even the models we envy and our friends, who seem to eat whatever they want and however much they want, have wanted to lose weight at least once in their lives. So envy is out of the picture unless you do something about it.

Set the Right Goals

As we said before, setting the right goals is one of the most important aspects of your weight-loss journey. Start small, don’t look at the scale too often, and enjoy every win, no matter how small it seems. It’s yours!

Don’t Skip Breakfast

No matter what diet or program you’re following, everyone recommends you have a healthy, hearty breakfast. And so do we. It’s the most critical meal of the day. It sets you up for the challenges ahead. Imagine an emergency meeting on an empty stomach. Imagine the outcome. It ends with you going to the nearest fast-food joint to fill your hunger after the meeting.

Drink Water

This tip is a two-for-the-price-of-one offer. You know staying hydrated is important. What you might have missed is that sometimes hunger and thirst symptoms are the same. So here it goes:

  • Every time you feel hungry between meals, drink a glass of water. If the feeling doesn’t go away, then your body needs fuel. If you’re trying to stick to a meal schedule, eat something light: an apple, a low-fat yogurt.
  • Drink 8 oz of water before every meal. It keeps you hydrated without the need for a “drink water” reminder and fills you up, so you eat a bit less.

Prep Ahead

Planning can be tricky, we know. And planning brings extra hassles during the weekend or every evening, depending on when you choose to prep your meals.

But it also offers a tremendous advantage. You get to control what you eat. No more picking from menus without needing details about calories, fats, or carbs. No more, “this portion is too big, but I paid for it.” And no more, “my favorite restaurant is crowded, so let’s get a bagel.”  You are, and you stay in control.

Small Portions

This can be interpreted in two ways.

  1. When you prep, you can divide your meals into ready-to-eat portions using different methods, fitting them to your needs.
  2. You can use small bowls and plates. Your brain is wonderful. But it’s also gullible. You can trick it into thinking you ate more than you did by filling a smaller plate. Also, take your time, as your brain also needs it to realize you’re full.

Choose Healthy Snacks

Even if you don’t prep full meals ahead, you can prep your snacks and store them for an entire week. Get some ziplock bags or small containers. Fill them with nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit sticks, cheese sticks, or beef jerky.

Grab 2-3 bags with you each day. Having them at hand when you get hungry, or even stressed, is better than going to the nearest store and getting a chocolate bar. It tames hunger and provides emotional support to stay on track.

Exercise (at least a bit)

We’re not asking you to hit the treadmill at 35mph. It’s impossible, and we know it. Get off the bus a station early. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Choose workouts that take less than 10 minutes. You’ve got options! Grab ‘em!

Give Yourself a Break

If you slipped, if you ate too much, if you skipped a training, let it go. Don’t judge yourself. We all make mistakes. We all fall, and so do you. Just get back up. You’re not perfect, but no one is. Some are just good at faking it. Stay real and don’t beat yourself up for being human!

Mediplan Diet is a medically supervised weight loss clinic. Schedule an appointment to get started on the right path for weight loss. Visit to learn more information and to schedule an appointment.