Why You Should See a Weight Loss Doctor

Why You Should See a Weight Loss Doctor

You’ve finally decided you want to shed those extra pounds, and you’re looking for a weight loss program to get you started. From Apps to YouTube channels to fitness gurus, the choices are endless. Most of these programs will advise you to check with your physician...
How to Identify Emotional Eating

How to Identify Emotional Eating

Diet and exercise. Eat smart and work out regularly. Vegetables and treadmills. Health and fitness experts the world over – us included – preach the gospel of eating healthy and burning calories through exercise. But there is another component to successful weight...
A Little Peace and Quiet

A Little Peace and Quiet

It’s long been understood both by doctors and professionals on a scientific level – and by dieters on an emotional level – that stress can be a powerful trigger for some of us to over-eat. And there’s no stress quite like holiday stress, am I right? Between year-end...