Our List of Foods That Help Fight Fat

Our List of Foods That Help Fight Fat

At MediPlan Diet, we understand how difficult losing weight is. Shedding extra pounds feels like an endless uphill battle, especially if you don’t know which foods promote weight loss and which are full of fats and carbs. Keep reading below to discover the top...
How Much Caffeine is Too Much?

How Much Caffeine is Too Much?

When our clients ask us how much caffeine is too much, it’s because they are already consuming so much coffee, tea, and energy drinks throughout the week that it’s affecting their sleep quality. Caffeine consumption is so widespread in the United States...
Top 3 Step Counter Apps For Your Device

Top 3 Step Counter Apps For Your Device

Why the buzz around step counter apps? The science is in: sitting is bad for your health. It is essential to get up and move around as often as possible, even if it is just for a few minutes at a time. What to Look for in A Step Counter App When choosing a step...
The Best-Rated Water Bottles for Busy People

The Best-Rated Water Bottles for Busy People

There are thousands of water bottles flooding the markets today, but which are the best-rated water bottles for busy people who want the perfect balance between quality, style, and convenience? After all, we shouldn’t overlook the fact that what is in the bottle is...