The Motive Behind Motivation

The Motive Behind Motivation

Motivation. At various points along our weight loss journey, we’re either inspired by it, searching for it, sharing it with others, or lacking it completely and wondering what’s wrong with us and why we can’t move this party from where I sit on the couch to the...
The Biggest First Step.

The Biggest First Step.

Many of our blog posts are directed at folks in the trenches. The kinds of ladies and men who are working hard every day to control their calorie intake, perform some physical activity and carefully move toward a health or lifestyle goal. But not this one. If you’re...
Spring into action!

Spring into action!

So, by now we all know that there’s no secret formula or magic pill to lose weight. Losing weight, getting healthy, and staying that way is really built upon one fundamental equation: the right combination of low-calorie, healthful foods and safe, effective exercise....
Motivation in the modern world.

Motivation in the modern world.

It’s sometimes easier than it really should be to lose the spark of inspiration that motivates us to continue working toward a weight loss goal. At first, finding weight loss “thinspiration” is easy enough: it’s an upcoming high school reunion, a particular pair of...
February Flashback

February Flashback

  We covered a lot of ground over the course of this month’s blog posts. From prepping for Valentine’s Day to gearing up for a spring break getaway, this month was busy! If you were equally busy and happened to miss out on reading a post or two, here’s an...