10 Reasons to Love B12.

10 Reasons to Love B12.

The vitamins and minerals found in the heathy foods we eat contribute in a multitude of ways to our overall well-being. Among them all a case could be made that vitamin B12 may be among the most vital. Vitamin B12 is, despite its name, one of eight B vitamins and is...
The Reviews Are In!

The Reviews Are In!

By their own admission, the consumer watchdog and review organization Consumer Review does not regularly test, review and recommend diet supplements. They state, correctly so, that there is little to no industry or government oversight in the regulation of diet...
Rev Up Your Metabolism’s Motor.

Rev Up Your Metabolism’s Motor.

Your body’s metabolism is the combination of processes that transform food to energy. The more efficient your metabolism, the easier it is to lose weight. And we’ve just the thing to rev up your metabolic motor. We all diet differently. Think about your neighbors....
Declare independence from high calories.

Declare independence from high calories.

This weekend we’ll watch a fireworks show, enjoy some time with family, and carefully balance the temptation of holiday treats with the desire to adhere to our weight loss plan. It’s a story that seems to play out every holiday. But this year, you can declare your...
Declare independence from high calories.

The Buddy System.

Losing weight isn’t easy, but it is easier when you have a dedicated, caring support system. Here’s why we think we can be that for you. Accountability. Advice. A hand to high-five after the victories along your weight loss journey and a shoulder to cry on during the...
A look back.

A look back.

It’s been a busy month around here and we assume you’ve been running ninety-to-nothing as well. If you’ve missed a blog post or two, we certainly forgive you, but we also encourage you to revisit any you may have overlooked. We covered some great...