The Monthly Recap.

The Monthly Recap.

The new year is almost here. And with it comes resolutions, to-do lists, goals, dreams and aspirations. But before we begin looking ahead to all of that, let’s take just a moment to take a look back at our last month of helpful, insightful, and inspiring blog posts....


Don’t allow your weight loss journey to live or die by exactly what you see in the mirror every morning. We discussed how your mirror might be deceiving you in our post Your Mirror Can Lie. Early morning workouts have proven to be more effective in test after test....
A look back.

A look back.

It’s been a busy month around here and we assume you’ve been running ninety-to-nothing as well. If you’ve missed a blog post or two, we certainly forgive you, but we also encourage you to revisit any you may have overlooked. We covered some great...
A Quick Look Back

A Quick Look Back

Springtime. Rebirth. Renewal. Rethinking our strategies on weight loss. The month of April has come and nearly gone and here at Mediplan Diet Services, we enjoyed helping you celebrate a month of renewed inspiration and recharged motivation. Part of that included our...
February Flashback

February Flashback

  We covered a lot of ground over the course of this month’s blog posts. From prepping for Valentine’s Day to gearing up for a spring break getaway, this month was busy! If you were equally busy and happened to miss out on reading a post or two, here’s an...